In this new creation, Pascal Rome finally launches a project that had been gestating for years in his brain alongside his other idiosyncratic and extravagant ideas: to create a picturesque garage sale using the quirky world of his explorers of reality. At night, in Parc Saint-Cyr, half of the fifty stands of Le Grand Débarras will be managed by members of the company and the others will be run by real sellers. OpUS sums up its creation with the following words of warning: “Those coming to see a real garage sale are in for a surprise, and those coming to see a performance will see a number of performances within the performance, but will also see the performance of those who do not always see where the performance is.”
Wandering between the stands like in any jumble sale, visitors will come across a practical joke, an artistic gem, a diversion, a sketch, real sellers and fake buyers, limitless surprises, a bunch of village idiots, a humorous catwalk show, and a collective countdown before the final fiery end. In short, this is a truly funny and off-the-wall performance that is inventive, fun and interactive, following on from other creations by OpUS, who never cease to amaze us with their know-how and their incessant blurring of fiction and reality.
Since 1995, the Office des Phabricants d’Univers Singuliers (OpUS) have carefully applied Pascal Rome’s poetic and idiosyncratic view of theatre to hysterical effect. In this picturesque artistic language filled with humanity, humour and eccentricity, where raw art is celebrated as representative of all creative invention, the creations break with traditional performance codes and build a unique relationship with the audience. OpUS is a longstanding partner of Les Tombées de la Nuit and has already presented an incredible large-scale performance, La Quermesse de Ménétreux (première), and theatrical performances and installations including Musée Bombana de Kokologo, Collier de nouilles, Conservatoire des Curiosités, la Ménagerie mécanique, etc. Following on from L’Excursion in Laillé (première) and then La Veillée (2014 and 2018), Pascal and his team are back at Les Tombées de la Nuit with Le Grand Débarras. We are incredibly proud to host this new piece.
Conception et mise en scène : Pascal Rome.
Scénographie : les Oeils
Avec : Thierry Faucher ou Christian Goichon, Fabienne Gautier, Dominique Giroud, Isabelle Lebihan, Ronan Letourneur, Oliver Miraglia, François Coiteux, Laurent Patard ou Gérard Court, Pascal Rome, Mathieu Texier, Emmanuelle Veïn, Matthieu Sinault et la complicité d’acteurs involontaires.
Création des objets : Boris Abalain, Erwann Belland, Marie Bouchacourt, Bertrand Boulanger, Gérard Court, Alexandre Diaz, Nicolas Diaz, Patrick Girot, Isabelle Lebihan, Luis Maestro, Boa Passajou, Laurent Patard, Pascal Rome, Fred Rotureau, Mathieu Texier, Tezzer.
Aiguillages : Chantal Joblon, Frédéric Fort, Cyril Jaubert.
Administration : Aurore Giraud et Rosalie Laganne.