When two experienced acrobats and circus performers explore the meaning of virtuosity, the result is this magnificent, sensitive and delicate show. Pierre-Jean Bréaud and Guillaume Sendron conjure up this profoundly gentle, acrobatic and gravity-defying dance duet, exploring the bond between two people seeking to be heard, agree and reach symbiosis and balance. It’s an intimate, vertiginous, poetic and organic dialogue, bringing together the differences and frailties of two bodies playing with space, time and the laws of physics. And ultimately inviting us to join them.
In 2012, Le (doux) supplice de la planche company was founded for the creation of the eponymous show, which was then part of Collectif La Basse-Cour (Nîmes). Following Le Cubitus du manchot (2009) and Duo à trois (2014), this acrobatics trio was performed in its final form from 2015. In 2018, Pierre Jean Bréaud and Camille Rault-Verprey (production) formally established their company and association dedicated to a circus of movement. They created En attendant le grand soir (2019), which already featured Guillaume Sendron, as well as its cultural outreach version, Les Bals sauvages. In 2022, Pierre-Jean Bréaud and Guillaume Sendron created La concordance des temps, an acrobatic and poetic manifesto, and the third creation by this company associated with La Verrerie d’Alès, the French national circus centre in Occitanie (2016 – 2019). Today, Le Doux supplice is working in partnership with L’Estive, the national theatre for Foix and Ariège, on a new show for public space: Les petites épopées (working title, 2026).