Photo : Octuor Oxymore © Rawr Prod
New Work
Octuor Oxymore
Songs from yesterday and today
For all ages

Created by singers Adrien and Valentine Bâty and choir director Eléonore Le Lamer, Octuor Oxymore is a young professional vocal ensemble based in Rennes that explores the connections between early and contemporary music repertoires.

Preferring to perform in unconventional places, this time the ensemble will be appearing at The Roof – Origines for three exclusive 30-minute walking promenade concerts with stops along the way. As its name suggests, Mirrors will create a mirror comparison of the works of yesterday and today. Sung a cappella, audiences will be able to fully grasp the suggestive power of pieces that echo each other despite the gap in time that separates them.

How you experience the music and the site will all depend on the time of day and the level of activity at the venue.


Sopranes : Laura Jarrell / Alice Khayati
Alti : Valentine Bâty / Cyrille Lerouge
Tenors : Benjamin Coutarel / Thibault Givaja
Basses : Jean Ballereau / Cédric Baillergeau
Direction : Eléonore Le Lamer
Mise en espace : Arnaud Stéphan

In partnership with The Roof – Origines –

Sunday 04 July 2021
14:30 > 15:00
The Roof Rennes & Origines à l’Hôtel-Dieu, Rennes
Sunday 04 July 2021
16:00 > 16:30
The Roof Rennes & Origines à l’Hôtel-Dieu, Rennes
Sunday 04 July 2021
17:30 > 18:00
The Roof Rennes & Origines à l’Hôtel-Dieu, Rennes

Free • Because of the gauge, please be on place, 30 minutes before the start of each show
More information 02 99 32 56 56

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The association is supported by the City of Rennes, the Brittany Region, the Ille-et-Vilaine Department & the ministry of culture.

© TDN 2024