Photo : Mécaniques Discursives © LaVallée
Electroni[k], in partnership with Les Tombées de la Nuit & Destination Rennes, as part of festival Maintenant, presents
Mécaniques Discursives
Fred Penelle & Yannick Jacquet
Between Gutenberg and Big Data

While the passage of time seems to accelerate every day, Fred Penelle and Yannick Jacquet offer a pause, a suspension, a breath. A strange mechanism stretches across the wall, populated with shadowy chimeras. They are mysterious and yet somehow familiar. Is this a laboratory experiment or the plan for a future network? Minutely constructed like a fine clock, it traces connections, routes, real fake looping itineraries, inviting escape, inviting dreams. The narrative is deconstructed like a thousand-storied film script.

Every effort is made to lead astray, to turn around, to forge ahead. Time is shredded, decomposed, lost and yet everything references it. Mécaniques Discursives is like a parenthesis between the time of Gutenberg and the time of Big Data. By contrasting the oldest form of image reproduction (woodcutting) with the most recent digital technologies, the installation straddles centuries and contracts time.

The presentation of this work is dedicated to Fred Penelle who passed away in the spring.

In partnership with Destination Rennes. With the support of Wallonie-Bruxelles International and the Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles in Paris as part of its Hors-Les-Murs Constellations programme cycle.

Sunday 04 October 2020
19:00 > 23:00
Place Sainte-Anne, Rennes
Couvent des Jacobins'Wall
Sunday 11 October 2020
19:00 > 23:00
Place Sainte-Anne, Rennes
Couvent des Jacobins'Wall

Installation : 2 > 11 october

cognitif moteur visuel
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The association is supported by the City of Rennes, the Brittany Region, the Ille-et-Vilaine Department & the ministry of culture.

© TDN 2024