A String Section • Reckless Sleepers (UK)
This choreographic unbalancing act sees five elegant women wearing black performing with their instrument of choice – a saw – which they each use to cut apart their chair. Elegance and sophistication make way for the absurd when gravity takes over.
From a seemingly simple idea, the Reckless Sleepers company has created a performance with infinite possibilities where the chair becomes a symbol of fragile balance and insolence.
> 2:45pm et 5:15pm • Halle Martenot, Place des Lices
Duration : 45 min • Free
Reading of Letters of Women • Odette Simonneau (FR)
“One day, Colette Hélard gave me a copy of Letters of Women by Marcel Prévost to read. The book contains letters written in the early 20th century. I added a few to take us (almost) up to the present day, and every now and again I enjoy giving a public reading.”
> 3pm & 5.30pm • MIR, 7 Quai Châteaubriand
Duration : 25 min per reading
Free, subject to availability
Be Claude • 1 Watt (FR)
This is a man washing a window. Except that he could actually be washing his soul. And because he throws himself fully into the task, he will soon be profoundly free, on the sidelines of the world and the things that form it, hanging in a perfect imbalance, while naturally connected to one of the greatest mysteries of the human constitution: his feminine side.
> 15h30 • Strolling through the city center
Appointment in front of Sécurité Sociale, cours des Alliés, front to Champs Libres
Free • Duration : 1h15